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Navigating Postpartum Anxiety

Published on 6 October 2024

Having a baby is a life-changing event that brings about a profound sense of joy and fulfilment. However, for some mothers, anxiety after childbirth can cause excessive worrying and lead to depression.

Even the most confident mothers can suffer from postpartum anxiety. It can come out of nowhere and have a detrimental effect on this precious time with your baby.

In this article, we look at managing postpartum anxiety and provide advice on dealing with this condition.

What is postpartum anxiety?

Becoming a mum is challenging, no matter whether you already have children, or if you’re having your first baby. All new mothers want everything to be perfect, but sometimes postpartum stress kicks in when you’re least expecting it.

Postpartum anxiety can make you feel tearful and out of control. Some mothers find that it makes them feel that they can´t care for their newborn.

Good to know

The ‘baby blues’ is a mild form of postpartum anxiety. Postpartum stress that leads to depression is a more serious condition. It affects around 1 in 10 new mothers in the UK.

While it’s normal for new parents to have some concerns about their baby’s well-being, postpartum anxiety causes intense and persistent worries that can interfere with daily life.

The signs of postpartum anxiety

Postpartum anxiety varies in its severity and duration. Common postpartum anxiety symptoms include:

  • Constantly worrying about your baby’s health, safety or other aspects of parenting. 
  • Panic attacks which may include physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, trembling and shortness of breath. 
  • Trouble falling asleep or difficulty staying asleep even though you feel exhausted. 
  • Headaches, stomach upsets or muscle pain. 
  • Irritability.
  • Avoiding certain situations or activities. 
  • Unwanted and distressing thoughts about harming yourself or your baby.
Good to know

It’s important to care for yourself after giving birth. If you feel healthy and strong, you’ll feel better able to look after your baby.

Consuming products that contain Lactium® can help you to feel better and cope with postnatal anxiety. This natural stress reliever is derived from milk protein and has no side effects.

If you’re experiencing high levels of anxiety, seek advice from your doctor or midwife as soon as possible.

Strategies to manage postpartum anxiety

There are several ways of managing postpartum anxiety:

  • Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga can help reduce new mother anxiety. 
  • Regular physical activity can improve your mood. Take a walk with your baby and enjoy the fresh air.
  • Rest when you can. Accept offers of help, delegate tasks and try to nap when your baby sleeps.
  • A healthy diet can have a significant impact on coping with postpartum anxiety and eating and drinking products containing Lactium® can balance your mood.
  • Connecting with other new parents or joining a postpartum support group can provide emotional and practical advice.
  • Communicating with your partner, family and friends about your feelings can make you feel you’re not alone.
  • Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. These can all increase your anxiety levels.

There is nothing to be ashamed of if you feel your postpartum mental health is suffering. Make the most of the support network around you and work together so you can enjoy this time with your new baby.

If you’re concerned about managing postpartum anxiety and would like to find out more about how products containing Lactium® could help you, contact us.

