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Hypertension and stress: is there a connection?

Published on 13 June 2024

Often referred to as high blood pressure, hypertension is a common health concern that affects over 1 billion people worldwide[1]. Hypertension is a serious condition that can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular illnesses. While genetics and lifestyle contribute to hypertension, there is a relationship between stress and high blood pressure.

What are the causes of hypertension?

Stress can be acute or chronic. Stress triggers physiological responses that can temporarily raise your blood pressure. When faced with a stressful situation, the body activates its “fight or flight” response, releasing stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones cause the heart to beat faster and blood vessels to constrict, causing a rise in blood pressure.

There are several hypertension causes[2], including:

  • stress
  • being overweight
  • an unhealthy diet
  • lack of exercise
  • drinking too much alcohol
  • smoking

Being aware that you could be subject to stress-related health issues can turn into a vicious circle that may raise your blood pressure. You may be aware that you eat too much junk food, drink too much alcohol, or smoke too much, but continue to do so to deal with stress in your life. However, the initial ‘high’ from a burger or cigarette is only a short-term fix and can have a serious long-term impact on your health.

Underlying health conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease can also cause high blood pressure.

Good to know – stress and heart health

Stress on its own won’t cause a heart attack, but the bad habits it promotes can cause heart problems.[3]

How to prevent hypertension

A healthy diet

A balanced, nutritious diet plays an essential role in hypertension prevention. Choosing a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and heart-healthy fats and limiting sodium, processed foods, and sugary drinks can help with managing hypertension.

Clinical trials[4] have also shown that products containing Lactium® can help reduce hypertension induced by stress. Lactium® is a natural milk-derived product that contains a relaxing peptide known as alpha-casozepine. Just as a mother’s milk soothes her baby, Lactium can soothe stress.


Regular exercise

Regular physical activity is another key to managing hypertension and stress reduction. Exercise improves cardiovascular fitness and gets rid of stress as it releases endorphins that reduce anxiety.


Getting enough healthy sleep

Having adequate sleep can help with high blood pressure stress issues. Poor sleep disrupts your hormonal balance, increases nervous system activity, and can affect your blood pressure.

Getting a few hours of quality sleep is better than a long period of restless sleep. This can help reduce high blood pressure and stress.


Learn to relax

Modern-day life is hectic. Many of us rush from one place to another, work long hours, and get stressed out trying to balance our professional and personal lives.

This pressure can cause stress-induced hypertension. You may not even be aware that you suffer from this condition. It’s essential to slow down and take a step back, especially if you are a person who tries to do everything.

Yoga, deep breathing exercises, and meditation can all help you unwind and find a balance where you can enjoy life, instead of feeling stressed all the time.


By adopting stress management techniques, eating a balanced diet, doing regular physical activity, and prioritising healthy sleep, you can protect yourself against the detrimental effects of stress on your blood pressure.

To find out how Lactium® products can help you beat stress and lower your blood pressure, contact us today!

